
Episode 100 – The Addams Family (1991)

Snap Snap.

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Episode 94 – Coneheads (1993)

Consume mass quantities!

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Patrons get exclusive access to full episodes on media that typically falls outside of our normal range, as well as the chance to pick topics for us, get fun swag, and even access our spin-off D&D content.


Episode 93 – LEGO

Flipping the script on this one!

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Episode 92 – The Mummy (1999)


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Patrons get exclusive access to full episodes on media that typically falls outside of our normal range, as well as the chance to pick topics for us, get fun swag, and even access our spin-off D&D content.


Episode 91 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1984)

Who eats turtle soup anyway?
Thanks to special guests Rick Matthews and Clayton Williams from the Nobody Watches Everything podcast!

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Patrons get exclusive access to full episodes on media that typically falls outside of our normal range, as well as the chance to pick topics for us, get fun swag, and even access our spin-off D&D content.


Episode 90 – A League of Their Own (1992 )

Batter up! Hear that call!
The time has come for one and all
To play ball.

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Patrons get exclusive access to full episodes on media that typically falls outside of our normal range, as well as the chance to pick topics for us, get fun swag, and even access our spin-off D&D content.


Episode 89 – The Three Musketeers (1993)

It’s 30% Beth. 30%.

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Patrons get exclusive access to full episodes on media that typically falls outside of our normal range, as well as the chance to pick topics for us, get fun swag, and even access our new spin-off D&D content.


Episode 86 – The Big Lebowski (1998)

Special guest Adam, from The Nerds of the Old Republic podcast and friend of the show, player on our D&D real-play spin-off, joins us to talk about The Dude.
While you’re here, be sure to head over to in order to get ordained as a Dudeist Priest. Not a sponsor.

I mean, while you’re here, support the important nerdy work we do for future humans by becoming a patron on
Patrons get exclusive access to full episodes on media that typically falls outside of our normal range, as well as the chance to pick topics for us, get fun swag, and even access our new spin-off D&D content.


Episode 82 – Groundhog Day (1993)

In which we bring our friend Brian (@theahrbee) back to have a group therapy session. You may remember Brian from our Oregon Trail episode. This one… is a bit different. If there’s one thing to say about Brian, it’s that he commits to the bit.

Also, while you’re here, support the important nerdy work we do for future humans by becoming a patron on
Patrons get exclusive access to full episodes on media that typically falls outside of our normal range, as well as the chance to pick topics for us, get fun swag, and even access our new spin-off D&D content.


Episode 81 – Sister Act (1992)

Let me do you a favor: Go watch Hail Holy Queen.
Then come back and listen to us talking about it.

Also, while you’re here, support the important nerdy work we do for future humans by becoming a patron on
Patrons get exclusive access to full episodes on media that typically falls outside of our normal range, as well as the chance to pick topics for us, get fun swag, and even access our new spin-off D&D content.